Friday, March 18, 2011

30x30 RECAP

I finally made it through 30x30 (that is 30 outfits in 30 days with the same 30 items of clothing). If you want to see the clothes I picked out for it go here. It feels good to finally get my clothes back!!! WAHOOO! But, 30 for 30 really made me get creative and challenged me. Now I know I can put together multiple outfits with my clothes now…which makes me excited!!
Oh, and I wanted to mention that I survived spring break in Las Vegas and it was a blast. I have pictures coming for ya’ll to seee!!
And now for FBFF:
In the beginning –So far, what have been the 5 hardest blogging lessons you’ve learned?
1. Don’t compare your blog too much to other peoples. When I first started blogging I couldn’t help but compare compare compare. I would look at other blogs and wish mine looked just like theirs and that I did exactly what they did. Now, I am a lot more accepting of my blog. I am just doing it for fun and for myself and if people like what I do then SCORE! But, I have realized its not a competition and I don’t need to compare to other people.
2. Leave sincere comments & comment back. When commenting on other blogs it is important to be sincere. Nothing bothers me more than when people say ‘Please become my follower.’ I follow blogs because I enjoy them or I received a wonderful comment from that person. Commenting is a wonderful networking tool and can be so useful as long as the comments are real. Also, don’t forget to comment back!!
3. Get creative. I have learned so much from blogging and that it can be my creative outlet. I have designed layouts, get to take photos, edit them, and write. I also get to put outfits together that maybe I wouldn’t have before and I get to SPOT people when they are looking amazing! Its awesome.
4. You don’t have to partake in every single blogging event. Ok. there are about a bajillion blogging events out there. Like 30 for 30, FBFF, Paperdoll Project…I could go on and on and on. It is so great that there are so many because any time you feel like you are getting bored you can do a project. However, don’t think you need to do them all. If I tried…I would die and not have time for real life. So, just do the ones that interest you and don’t overwhelm yourself.
5. It’s not a job (well not for me) SO HAVE FUN! Seriously. Blogs are for fun so don’t take your blog too seriously unless it really is your job!
photos {via}

Now go check out what other bloggers have to say at Modly Chic


  1. Love your 30x30 recap. Your outfits are so varied and chic. I agree with your FBFF lessons. I need to stop comparing my blog to others, as it usually comes off worse!

  2. Nice job on the 30x30! I love the blogging tips! I think (if I remember correctly) I started using Live Writer from your tips on here. I do feel crappy about my blog when I compare it to others, but I know it takes time. I have started doing my posts just to fit my personality and if others like it the better. Otherwise, it's a great book-marker for my favorite things!

  3. I've been wanting to do this challenge, you did such a great job with it!!

  4. Day 8 and 24 are my favorites! Lookin' good!!


  5. Congrats on your 30x30! Seriously, I don't know how all of these bloggers are doing it -and doing it well! And I liked your reflection on blogging. So true about being yourself and not copying other bloggers -who wants that?

  6. Congrats on finishing the 30/30, I feel you about sincere comments I hate it when people are like " nice outfit wanna follow each other" it's so annoying.

    Write it in Lipstick

  7. Awesome 30x30 recap.....:0 I did it this last time, wow...a good eye opener that I have WAYY too much stuff. LOL....just found your blog..Im a new follower:)

    Nice to meet you!

    Stop by and say Hello:)
    Enter my Fab Free People Giveaway!!♥

  8. WOW loved your 30x30! I could never do it! (I don't think anyway!) I'd probably forget to take a picture or something! I love your blogging tips, they are all so true! It's important not to compare blogs. Your blog is you!

    Hope you have a great weekend! :)

  9. Congrats on finishing the 30 for 30! I'm on day 29, so I'm almost, almost there! It's been such a long ride. Love what you wrote about - I agree with you on everything! Glad I stumbled upon your blog :)

    Xo Chelle

  10. I love these tips...sometimes I really forget to have fun with my blog. It feels like one more thing I HAVE to do. And good job on the remixing. I love seeing how other people do the 30x30 but I can never quite commit to it.

  11. i love the 30 day of outfits collage. my favorite is the skirt and boots look on day 30. i may need to try that out, especially now that the weather is warming up. thanks for the tips as well!

  12. Great responses. AND I so agree with the bit about sincere comments, hate when people ask me to follow them & they haven't even taken the time to read my post, boo! Gorgeous 30 for 30 recap by the way, you did such an awesome job remixing your clothes. xx veronika

  13. great outfits! I am now following, follow back if you like:)


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